Asian guy who prefers white girls.

I am an Asian-American guy living in Florida and, unlike most Asian males, I prefer white girls over all others. The reason why is because, also unlike most Asian males, I stand 6'3" which is taller than most of them and I like taller girls. Most Asian females are shorter than 5'6" and look like dwarves around me. More importantly is personality. Most Asian girls are EXTREMELY uptight overachievers. They constantly obsess over grades, SAT, extracurriculars, and MCAT. That turns me off, as I like someone more laid back as opposed to "Oh no! I have to study!" Unfortunately, I get rejected a lot by the white girls and if I had a dollar for each one, I'd own a small nation. What bothers me is that I see more white guys dating Asian girls than the other way around. This hurts me because I am an Asian MALE who wants a white FEMALE. How is it possible for a 6'3" Asian guy like me to get a white girl who is tall and not uptight? Thank you.
Asian guy who prefers white girls.
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