Getting Over Someone You Love


Heartbreak. Hard thing to get over, but it's possible. This is such a common topic that is everywhere in this world, not just on this site and pretty much everyone has experienced it but with different ways. This is getting over someone you love, not including anything about winning them back/hoping for it. Just making that part clear.

Getting Over Someone You Love

There’s No Time Limit

It's true, time is a healer but it also can create the pressure of getting over stuff quicker than you personally can. However, there isn't a set time limit to how long you should take to get over someone that you love. You only tend to feel weary about it once it's been months or even years and you know that you didn't move on yet. It's okay to feel like that, it's normal. There's no help beating yourself over the fact that it's taking time to heal, because there really is no time limit. It fully depends on how you as a person handle things personally, no one can know but you.

Getting Over Someone You Love

Let your emotions come through

None of us like those sad, hurt and angry emotions that just make everything in life feel negative. But in these cases, we do need to go through that process of grieving which grasps the denial, depression, blame, anger and even desperation with the mix of false hope. It's an ongoing feel that can leave you and then suddenly appear again. It would feel like the emotions are endless but try to go with it, it helps to accept the feelings for what they are being made out to be .. a means to an end.

Getting Over Someone You Love

Social media / phone

Safe to say, in this era, everything revolves around connecting with people through social media, so the use of your phone. It's the easiest way to keep in connection on seeing the person you're wanting to get over, keeping tabs on what they're up to and all. The problem with that is this is the obstacle that is keeping you from giving yourself the space to heal. To get over someone you need the consider taking them off all social media platforms. This could be the last thing you want to do but there's that saying ' the best things to do aren't always the most comfortable.' Seeing them is just going to open up another emotion and that wound would take ages to heal. After the pain of deleting them off those platforms, there should be a somewhat empowerment feeling which would be good for you. Taking things into your own hands.

Getting Over Someone You Love

Love yourself

The blame game. We are all so good at this individually. Blaming ourself is really easy and we straight away believe that we aren't good enough for them/ the relationship. Doesn't matter how confident of a person you are, there's that unworthiness feeling that you suddenly obtain. In saying this, the worth that you have, is not tied to them, you're your own person. The identity that you have is not tied to what you had with them. Loving yourself is one of the most important things that you can do in a situation like this.

Getting Over Someone You Love

There's more than one person in the world

You're probably thinking.. 'woaahh don't come at me with this cliché ,' but it's true.. this Earth has billions of people. I can assure you that you'd 110% be feeling that they are the only one for you but it's hard to believe that there is anyone else that could make you laugh like they could or have so much in common. But there is other ways to connect with people, bonds are made in unique and weird ways. There was a reason why it didn't work out, but you're growing as a person now and that will continue.

Getting Over Someone You Love

The light at the end of the tunnel

No. I'm not talking about heaven -.- You're not dying!

You will feel like you're in darkness and no one cares for awhile. It would be scary especially if it's your first time feeling it, or if you're hurt in a very bad way. But as much as you're going to hate me for saying this, there will come a day when you'll come out the other side. It'll be wonderful, you'll feel you again and you'd be that much strong and better of a person because of it.

You may feel alone but millions of people have been through the exact same process in their own unique way and have seen the light at the end of the tunnel

Getting Over Someone You Love

Getting Over Someone You Love
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