How do I get over a fuccboi? How to find closure within yourself if someone ghosts you?

I've been talking (aka, fucking and 3 dates) to this guy for a year and out of nowhere he unadded me and is ignoring me (yes, i tried to text him and ask him whats wrong) and clearly, he's a fuccboi. He was nice at first but slowly turned into a huge fuccboi (and sadly, I have tunnel vision on him and how nice he was) Any advice on how to get over someone when they did a jekyll and hyde and you're focused on the good half. And how I can get over someone who ghosted me? (PS, he did this 3 times but this is the only time he didn't actually tell me 'its done' with me asking him repeatedly. Sorry if I sound cray I just want to know where I stand so I can move on to someone who actually does care about me and not waste my time on some crusty ass fuzzboy)
How do I get over a fuccboi? How to find closure within yourself if someone ghosts you?
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