Afraid my boyfriend might dump me because I look underage and we get dirty looks and he got arrested?

I'm 4'10 and super skinny, I look much younger than I am and often have to shop in kids stores for clothes.
My boyfriend is a year older but because he's so tall and I'm so sort and skinny he feels like people think he's a peado.
Last week we went for a dirty weekend away in glasgow but someone at the hotel called the police late that night because they thought I was underage. The police were let into our room and by boyfriend was roughly arrested. I hadn't any ID with me so I had to call my parents to bring it up to me which meant my boyfriend spent the night in a jail cell and I at 19 years old was taken into care until my parents arrived the next day by train with my ID.
Now my boyfriend acts distant and won't hold my hand or kiss in public.
Afraid my boyfriend might dump me because I look underage and we get dirty looks and he got arrested?
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