He wanted me to stay in his apartment while he left for work?

Been seeing this guy about 8 months... we are not "official" so to speak, says he is only seeing me, and I am only seeing him. Usually when I spend the night, he wakes me up in the morning and has me get ready to leave with him when he leaves for work. The other day he got up and was getting ready, so I get up, and he's like, "You don't have to leave yet, go ahead and go back to sleep, leave when you need to" and I just kinda stared at him, and said "No, I'll leave now" and I got ready and we left ... What has to be going through a guys mind to leave her in his apartment alone? How would he have to feel? AND I'm wondering now what message I sent him by not staying?
He wanted me to stay in his apartment while he left for work?
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