Why do conservative people especially older men romantise young marriage?

Majority of women who marry very young end up divorcing according to a study in western world. I think that is because your brain is not completely developed till your mids 20s. I am from a traditional family and it is very common in our culture to marry young but many women I know say that they regret it and can't divorce because of kids and pressure by the society. That is why I hate when conservative people romantise young marriage. Age is one of the main factor for divorce. I hate when old men in their late 20s or 30s saying that women should marry youg before they hit wall or women at their 30s never ever can marry anymore because men like younger chicks. That is fucked up. Women dont have the privilige to wait while men can wait til their death.
Why do conservative people especially older men romantise young marriage?
Why do conservative people especially older men romantise young marriage?
Why do conservative people especially older men romantise young marriage?
7 Opinion