Girls, Should I let it go, or talk to her?

My ex girlfriend (we work together) dumped me for her ex about 2 years ago.

I was heartbroken but didn’t beg or plead or pursue. After she dumped me I blocked her for a week to heal. I was never mean to her or made her feel bad for leaving me. After I unblocked her she blocked me in return and kept me blocked to this day lol (over 2 years) Seeing her around during this time I could tell she was really angry at me after I blocked her.

Now for the past 1.5 years at work, she’s always initiating contact/trying to talk to me. Thing is, I stay extremely reserved when communicating with her, I say hello in the mornings and that’s about it. Now, she’s extremely nice and respectful and will drop whatever she’s doing to help me or even have her subordinates help even when I don’t need or ask for it. Sometimes I’ll get random compliments on my appearance from her. She’s ALWAYS staring at me, the look she gives me seems very warm and affectionate and she doesn’t break eye contact. She’s been asking me and our mutual friends who I’m dating/if I’m getting married. I also noticed her tearing up when I got an important promotion. In these 1.5 years I haven’t given her any attention or tried to contact her yet she still tries and acts this way with me on almost a daily basis.

I want to tell her that maybe some years down the line when we’re older and both single maybe we can try again and leave it at that. I DON’T want to break up her current situation. Although she’s stated she’s unhappy to other people and he’s known as an extremely controlling and insecure guy.

My questions are

-Does she still like/love me?

-Why does she keep me blocked? I haven’t tried to contact her and I wouldn’t. Is it her current boyfriend?

-Should I talk to her and tell her what I want to say?
Girls, Should I let it go, or talk to her?
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