Is this rude and disrespectful or should I let it slide?

So this girl I've been trying to get on a second date has been pretty flaky. The week after we went out , she agreed to go on another date. The day before the 2nd date she says she needs to get an endoscopy, then the day of the date says she has then has a cold. No hey lets reschedule or anything.

During the week I ask if we can talk on the phone later, and she agrees. As I'm getting out of the gym to call and let her know, she says she can't now as her brother and his wife just showed up to go out to dinner. She says she can call me tomorrow.

The next day after some texting I say I'm out of the gym in 5 , are you free for a call. No response. I call anyways, 2 rings then to VM. 3 hours later she says " At a dinner at friends house" No hey I saw your call or call back.

Next day she texts "hi" again. Should I even ask her out again, is this disrespectful? Just ignore her?

Is this rude and disrespectful or should I let it slide?
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