Could he be cyberstalking me?

For background, this whole thing literally just started coz I glanced over at this guy from across the room for a couple of seconds in our late teens. Ever since I did that, he tried constructing a whole story with me by just staring at me from afar. Long story short, I was initially interested in him, but soon dropped it after realising he was getting too fixated. At parties, he began watching me from a distance or hiding behind a door and watching me from afar. At one point, this went on for a couple of minutes straight and I started breaking down and left the party early.

I began avoiding him after this and it's been more than a year since I last saw him. Apparently he's with someone else now. I was relieved, when I learnt this but soon found out that he made all his relationship pictures public, but still went ahead and hid all of them from me (to ensure that I wouldn't find out that he's in a relo). This may seem like nothing on the surface but since fb doesn't have a feature which allows a user to hide public photos from a someone without blocking them- I realised there's more to this and that he's most likely using coding/programming to achieve this.
( Just to clarify, I know this can be done with non- public posts/photos, just not public ones).
I'm getting quite anxious, what's even happening? Could he have tampered with my fb account?
Could he be cyberstalking me?
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