How come my ex has all the luck with ladies and I can’t get any man?

Me and my ex our broke up a year.
He left me and is living his best life ever while I’ve been hurt and trying to do my best.
I know I shouldn’t care but I see him with loads of women and I always wonder what is it? Like why can’t I get anyone?
I know it probably sounds silly but all year I’ve been on one date that wasn’t great tbh.
My phone is as dry as anything I see all my friends in relationships and I’m like why can’t I have even just a nice date.
I dunno I’ve just been down about it like I thought karma would get my ex but it’s like he’s hit the jackpot and I’m suffering with the karma as I’ve no luck atall.
How come my ex has all the luck with ladies and I can’t get any man?
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