Last year while me and my ex where together we planned a pregnancy we broke up 3 months later and I took a pregnancy test after our relationship ended just to make sure I wasn’t pregnant. The test was positive and when I told him he was disappointed he told me I trapped him and he didn’t want anything to do with the baby he treated me bad and threatened me until I got an abortion. A few months after I got the abortion he contacted me asking for another chance he even said we could have another baby just so I can take him back I told him no. So he asked if we could be friends I agreed but after a while told him I didn’t want to continue speaking to him. When I ended our friendship I blocked him on everything and now every once in a while he still contacts me using fake numbers or he pops up at my house he told me he wouldn’t give up on us, he will beat anyone up he finds me taking to and he’ll continue texting me even though he has a girlfriend now. He has a child with someone else and he wanted me to get an abortion so bad so why is he asking me to spend Mother’s Day with him
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