Like me and my ex girlfriend got our dog together when he was a puppy he now is 2 years old so all he has known is us 2 constantly well now it’s just me and I look at him sometimes and my heart hurts because I feel like he wonders where she’s at but also he doesn’t know that she doesn’t care about him and doesn’t want anything to do with his life anymore
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No offense but this isn’t a child - your dog does not have the mental capacity to remotely care that she’s gone and not only that - you shouldn’t be holding your ex accountable to being around for all that. It’s pretty toxic to try and make her seem like a bad person for not wanting to keep strings attached using the dog as an excuse.
Ok so it’s not toxic and the dogs behavior has radically changed just living with me. I have completely detached myself from it it’s solely about my dog I wish I could say that I just got him when he was a puppy but that’s not the case
It is toxic though. She’s not a bad person for moving on and detaching herself away from a potentially codependent situation. Sure maybe the dog changed, but did you get the dog proper training and such?
I’m glad you mentioned that cause that’s another situation about this that’s not fair to him when we were together she wouldn’t work with me to get him training she would constantly call him a nuisance she hit and kicked him she slammed him on his crate once leaving a dent in it. However a puppy she got before we broke up she got that dog training right away. I guess what rubs me wrong is that she completely gave up on him. I’m an animal person so this isn’t about the relationship this is about someone totally quitting on an animal then ultimately abandoning it
Why would you want an animal abuser to further be around a dog though? Pretty clear she was abusing this dog
Animals can sense things like this, but the good thing is that you both still have each other, and I bet your loves you 10 times more than he ever loved your ex.