Is it normal for an ex girlfriend to never reach out after she asked for a break?


We were together for 2 years both 34, had a great relationship, we had an extremely close bond, I was very caring and respectful but the last few months she said she felt like I didn't care about her. I admitted i was burying myself in work and house projects which took time away from us. I was recently diagnosed with ADHD which caused a lot of it. She said we needed to take a break because her depression was spiraling and she felt our connection was lost. I agreed because of the stress in both our lives but told her not to give up on us and we can fix this.

Two weeks goes by and I hear nothing, I reached out and it was cordial. A week later I called her asking the boundaries of the break. She seemed indifferent and said she can be here as a friend. I wrote her a text explaining my side and how we could work on things in the future. She blew up on me and was very hurtful saying she never felt like I cared about her. I was devastated and fell into depression. I only reached out once every 2 weeks, I apologized and said that she can always talk to me about anything. She never responded to anything. I went no contact for 2 months and never heard from her.

She kept me on all social media and doesn't really post anything. I reached out one last time just saying hi, took her 2 days but she did respond with a short answer. I let it go after that. She has never once reached out to me for anything since the break. Is this normal? What could that mean? We spent 2 years together and she just dropped off the face of the earth saying she would not cut me out of her life. But it feels that way.

Is it normal for an ex girlfriend to never reach out after she asked for a break?
3 Opinion