Is it normal to wish I had never met my ex boyfriend?

If there is one thing I regret is ever meeting him and giving him the time of the day; a legitimate narcissistic-sociopath that takes pleasure using others as commodities, faking futures and even scamming you. He's dangerous in different ways. Not physically but psychological. He likes destroying someone to the point they doubt their own worth or even self-esteem. This pathetic idiot randomly texts under different numbers, even though I've blocked him on all my social medias. To add insult towards the injury, on the last text message, he told me ''Hi my friend''. Friend? I can already picture him laughing like a sadist as soon as he was typing the word friend. This lowlife destroyed part of my dreams and never paid my money back.

What I feel for him is the same I feel towards a repulsive cockroach. This might sound harsh but I wouldn't care nor even shed a single tear if he got into an accident and got injured. Whatever. One less, horrible person. No I have no good memories at all. None. If I could go back in time, I would rewrite history and make sure we never meet.

Is it normal to feel that way towards him?

Is it normal to wish I had never met my ex boyfriend?
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