How long did it take your ex to call you back after NC (no contact) rule?

My ex broke with me two months ago for an unknown reason. We had a nice 2.5 month relationship and there weren't any issues so it was a real shock when he just stopped responding to my messages. And when i encountered him in a bar few days later he didn't want to talk to me at all so i just left it like that because i didn't want to push him into something he doesn't want to do. At first i was devastated, but after two months of successful NC he still hasn't called. I feel much better now and i'm ready to move on but one part of me still wonders will he ever call me? I really liked him (up to the point of break-up when i considered him rude) and he seemed to enjoy spending time with me so this breakup left me confused.

i know that nc should be about healing, not manipulating anyone and it worked great deal for me cause i don't feel hurt as i did when i started it. and i'm not trying to play mind-games with him, i just wanted both of us to cool down and not to talk to each other for a while.

so my question is this - has nc ever worked for you and how long did it take?
yes, nc worked for me after a month or two
yes, nc worked for me after 2-4 months
yes, nc worked for me after 4+ months
no, it never worked for me
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How long did it take your ex to call you back after NC (no contact) rule?
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