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Polls: Break Up & Divorce

Whats his problem with me?

My ex and I broke up after a big argument He broke down and cried Then He keeps saying: I cheated on him (which i never have…..) he's depressed coz of me He doesn't want me He doesn't love me He will...
My ex and I broke up after a big argument He broke down and cried Then He keeps saying: I cheated on him (which i never have…..) he's depressed coz of me He doesn't want Show More
He still cares
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Break up guys lose more
Break up girls lose more
Divorce women lose more
Divorce men lose more
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What is the best way to tell your Sister/friend that the person they are dating is just a trash person 🗑️?

They won't ever see it till its way to late and they are hurt deeply again. My sister has terrible luck with dating yet when she finds someone terrible and every one agrees and says they are awful. She just clings harder...
They won't ever see it till its way to late and they are hurt deeply again. My sister has terrible luck with dating yet when she finds someone terrible and every one agrees and says Show More
Tell them caringly
Give her a good shake and tell her how she should be treated
Soft subtle messages
Just let her make mistakes 😔
Maybe someone new has to help her
She won't know till to late it's how trash guys work and hide behavoir
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Due to the fact that most have a backup guy waiting on standby
Due to the fact that they are now more career orientated
Due to financial reasons
Other or multiple reasons
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Younger person
Older person
Non divorced person
Ex... Partner
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Do they count as my ex?

if I met them online do they count as being my ex? (LDR) I was arguing with someone about this topic, they keep saying that if I never met them then they are not my ex, but I think that whatever relationship if it ends...
if I met them online do they count as being my ex? (LDR) I was arguing with someone about this topic, they keep saying that if I never met them then they are not my ex, but I think Show More
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Cared to much
Never cared enough
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Just found out my ex (27M) still has our photo up in his house. Is this normal?

We dated for 3 years and he broke up with me a year ago. I found out from a friend that it is still up.
We dated for 3 years and he broke up with me a year ago. I found out from a friend that it is still up. Show More
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Would you get back with your ex if his cousin girlfriend friend attacked you and tried to off you?

Long story short Ex and I lived together. But he works long ways so wasn’t home. His cousin lives with us. Went to talk to the cousin girlfriend & friends about them cleaning up after themselves. Cousin girlfriend friends...
Long story short Ex and I lived together. But he works long ways so wasn’t home. His cousin lives with us. Went to talk to the cousin girlfriend & friends about them cleaning up after Show More
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70% of divorces are initiated by women, what does this mean?

Which one of these 2 options is the common reason for divorce?
Which one of these 2 options is the common reason for divorce? Show More
Women no longer love their husbands
Women no longer get love from their husbands
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Add Opinion 16 58
Their Body/Appearance
Their personality
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Add Opinion 9 20

Is it too soon to get into a relationship after 3 months of a breakup?

Honestly, I don’t feel anything for my ex anymore so I feel like I’ve moved on. Just wondering if it’s too soon
Honestly, I don’t feel anything for my ex anymore so I feel like I’ve moved on. Just wondering if it’s too soon
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Guys, What are the chances of my ex boyfriend coming back after no contact?

I have an Anxious Preocuppied Attachment style and he is a fearful avoidant, both 28. We had been together for 3 years before he broke up with me almost a month ago while celebrating our anniversary / my birthday. The...
I have an Anxious Preocuppied Attachment style and he is a fearful avoidant, both 28. We had been together for 3 years before he broke up with me almost a month ago while celebrating Show More
It’s permanent
It’s temporary, stay in NC
It’s temporary, reach out
Give him space, he’ll be back
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Why did he choose a girlfriend over his kids?

We were together and he enjoyed time together with 3 kids But when the kids asked too much of him he’d want to leave and go away. Ended up moving into a box room at his friends house even tho he has a house he let...
We were together and he enjoyed time together with 3 kids But when the kids asked too much of him he’d want to leave and go away. Ended up moving into a box room at his friends Show More
Just didn’t want the kids / responsibility. Chose the easier kid free life
He does really like this person
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Is it time for a divorce?

Me and my husband got into a fight last week about some issues that have been previously discussed (communication and compromising). Now he's being childish and we haven't talked in a week. We live together and have been...
Me and my husband got into a fight last week about some issues that have been previously discussed (communication and compromising). Now he's being childish and we haven't talked in a Show More
Yes, it's time for a divorce
Not yet. Keep fighting for the marriage
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He won't go out in public with me because he doesn't want his ex to see us: Truth or Lie?

I met a guy who is 10 months post break up with his ex. Whenever I bring up going out for coffee or dinner, he says he's not comfortable being spotted by his ex-girlfriend.
I met a guy who is 10 months post break up with his ex. Whenever I bring up going out for coffee or dinner, he says he's not comfortable being spotted by his ex-girlfriend. Show More
True. It's normal to feel this way.
It's a lie. He's just not interested enough.
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