There's Nothing Wrong With Refusing Interracial Dating


"Racist!" "Bigot!" "Sexual Racism!"

It's something you hear a lot online when the topic of interracial dating comes up. Invariable, some groups will try to "shame" others into dating outside their race. Which is both pathetic, illogical, and immoral. Some people protest "It's not racism! It's preference!"

There's nothing wrong with refusing interracial dating.

It doesn't matter what the reason is. No one has a right to question, much less try to shame, your decision to not do interracial dating. Let's break this rotting carcass of a debate down into the stinking parts. (Lucky for you, the accompanying pictures are not gross.)


There's Nothing Wrong With Refusing Interracial Dating

First off, let's acknowledge the simple facts--the vast, vast majority of articles attempting to guilt people into interracial dating, are people who are literally griping that they can't get interracial dates. AKA people who hate the idea of having to date their own race, AKA racists themselves.

Second, let's look at the simple reality--how pathetic are you if you have to attempt to use guilt and shaming to get people to date you? How is that anything but admitting you utterly lack the looks and the character to be a decent mate for anyone?

2. Heritage.

Let's be real. For some insane reason, white americans are literally the only racial group in America who are not allowed to show public pride in their people and heritage without angry mobs attacking and careers being ruined via threats.

There's Nothing Wrong With Refusing Interracial Dating

Your genetics are part of your heritage. That's life. That's reality. Why on earth does anyone have the right to attempt to shame or guilt you if you want your heritage to be passed along to your offspring? They don't.

And Dear White People: Grow the hell up. You're a minority. You don't need to listen to other races claim you owe them, whether it be money or sex.

There's Nothing Wrong With Refusing Interracial Dating

Part of the joy of having children is seeing a little version of yourself growing up again--and let's be real, if the kid looks nothing like you, it's not quite the same. Most people want their children to look like them, and with good reason. Who wants their sons or daughters to look unrelated to them?

There's Nothing Wrong With Refusing Interracial Dating

3. Don't let losers stop you from acting in your own interest.

There are a lot of losers, both online and in the real world who will stamp all over you and have you working against yourself if they can. If you're young and/or sensitive, you might let their insults get to you. But you don't need to. Make your own decision, and don't let some butthurt loser change who you date. Simple reality is--life is better when you shun the garbage.

There's Nothing Wrong With Refusing Interracial Dating

Next time you see someone writing about how immoral it is to only date intraracially, recognize them for who they are--someone who couldn't get what they wanted, and instead of accepting it like an adult, they resorted to attempts at guilt trips and hissy fits. Laugh and continue with your awesome day!

There's Nothing Wrong With Refusing Interracial Dating
9 Opinion