Stay Away From People Who "Don't Like Drama"

Stay away from people who

Every man always says "I hate drama". Supposedly its a female thing. Clearly stated by someone who's never heard of Kanye West.

The last guy I dated who didn't like drama would accuse me of cheating when I worked late and become irrate when I didn't answer the phone. I workin health care so his expectation was irrational. When I would call him back he'd scream and hang up on me. He started driving by my house without calling First. My house is large and I have a door knocker. I didn't hear him knock. You can only imagine the "drama". He hated drama... Because it's the thing to say?

Guy recently told me he hated crazy drama. He spazzed on me because he kept texting me. So id text him back. When i asked a question, "did you mean this or this?" he accused me of negativity and drama. He said he didn't want to text. Now, I know people text offensive drama but is that question really "drama"? or is it a simple question?

I know it is trendy to claim you don't like drama much like it is trendy to claim you love good food and laughing. I mean who likes to eat crappy food and mope all the time??!? But it seems to be a trend that those who make a distinct point out of hating drama probably do because they are always a part of it. My guess is it is mostly self created drama. My recommendation is to stay away from their drama!

Stay Away From People Who "Don't Like Drama"
3 Opinion