4 Things A Girl Said or Did That Ruined Her Chances for A Second Date With Me


These are some reasons I have ghosted some of my dates from Jan. 2016 - July 2016 because of what they did or said.

1. Trying too hard to raise her social value

4 Things A Girl Said or Did That Ruined Her Chances for A Second Date With Me

She devoted much time talking about her ex boyfriends, ex fiancé, and the guys hitting on her as well as talking about her father's wealth and social standing, as if to signal to me: "be my boyfriend because I am a high value girl". I allowed her to ruin her chance for a second date as it seems talking about her exes and the number of times per week she gets hit by guys was her favourite topic.

2. Wanting to know the reasons for breaking up with my exes

4 Things A Girl Said or Did That Ruined Her Chances for A Second Date With Me

She wanted to know the number of girlfriends I have had in the last three years, the reasons for the breakups, and the last time I had sex. I was startled by her question. I exclaimed silently: really? It is my date etiquette that discussion about exes is a no-go-zone. She further ruined her chance for a second date when she criticized me for dating a Muslim girl.

3. Talking about religion

4 Things A Girl Said or Did That Ruined Her Chances for A Second Date With Me

Talking about religion in a date is a topic I always avoid because I don't want to say something that could offend. This date, for no reason, switched the conversation to religion, and started criticizing Islam and Catholicism, and favoring her Pentecostal faith as the best. I smirked as she continued her shallow and narcissistic vitriol of religious faiths. I felt the urge to identify weaknesses in her arguments; I then decided against it because it was pointless to engage in a debate with a woman whose wit can be outclassed by a college kid.

4. I'm a party girl

4 Things A Girl Said or Did That Ruined Her Chances for A Second Date With Me

At least I like your honesty but to tell me in a date at a pub that you only work two days a week because you reserve five days for partying and shopping is a deal breaker. It raises unnecessary questions about your priorities, and intention of dating me. If you were 26 year old or below, I'd have overlooked your honesty, but at age 36 you ought to be working full-time, and not looking for a guy to fuel your lavish lifestyle.

What are yours? It could be something he or she said or did, including mannerism that ruined their chance for a second date.

4 Things A Girl Said or Did That Ruined Her Chances for A Second Date With Me
14 Opinion