Girls: How to be Wifey Material

Girls: How to be Wifey Material

Girls, so you want to be wifey material. Gather around and learn a few things to help you beat the odds (the USA currently has the lowest recorded marriage rates in USA history) and get a guy to want to put a ring on it. What brought this on? Dating a girl who had the guts to basically say that she didn't want to date unless I thought marriage was a strong possibility... but who lacked the brains to make the changes to be a wifey material.

Thing is, any man with the looks/game/skill to get dates and get laid... can basically get whatever he wants without being married. A lover? Check. Lots of hot sex? Check. Kids and a woman living in his home with him as a family? Check. Marriage offers men no promises today, just risks. So let's go over some things that can help you, oh wifey-want-to-be, encourage a guy to ignore the risk and make the dive with you.

1. Be attractive, not slutty

It's a balancing act. Work on your looks, but keep it both somewhat modest yet cute. And yes, looks matter MORE when you want to be a wifey, because the man has to think not just about how you are now... but how will you look in five, ten years, possibly after kids? No one wants to be married to a land whale! Exercise, eat healthy, keep your hair long, avoid glasses... a few good tips.

Also of note, don't be slutty. Dress like wifey material. Attractive, but not slutty. Here, let me show you how different looks are on the same girl.

Below: Wifey Material Candidate. A cute young girl who looks like some good, handsome guy would happily propose.

Girls: How to be Wifey Material

That degraded too: Hot, might have Herpes: plenty of guys would probably take the risk and bang her. Possible girlfriend for a convict or definite FWB/booty call.

Girls: How to be Wifey Material

See, you want to go for the proper look and lifestyle if you want a guy to imagine spending the next decades with you. Don't try to just inspire lust: you're a woman. Be feminine, and it will inspire masculine attitudes like protectiveness and caring. And obviously when you dress modestly, he won't think you've been with 10 guys. (From a man's perspective--if a girl has had a lot of partners, why should I make some heavy commitment to her if ten other men already had her and didn't need to?)

2. Be a Sweet, Loyal Girl

Girls: How to be Wifey Material

I know, you're probably told a LOT how if you're sassy and "don't put up with crap" men will respect you and like you. In the short term, that might make you entertaining to be around. In the long term, a guy might get tired of that and the thought of dealing with that for 20 years is a turn off. Be a sweet girl, not "sassy."

Also importantly, be loyal and constant. Don't be dramatic and flip out. Don't give pretend break ups to see what he does.

Realize: no guy is going to be giving you the tingles at all time. Just as you're going to be boring sometimes to him, some days he's going to seem kinda dull to you. That's life. That's also because unless he's an experienced womanizer who is putting the moves on you 24/7 to keep you on your toes, the hormones will not always be surging.

Or to reverse roles, would you want him to dump you because four days this week you came home tired from work, had a snack, and relaxed with a movie instead of giving him a strip tease ending with... a downward dog stretch for his pleasure?

Girls: How to be Wifey Material

3. Be willing to oblige for him

Girls: How to be Wifey Material

Okay, so you probably won't need to drag anyone with one hand while shooting with the other. (Relationship goals for self: find someone great enough that would happen if needed!)

Point is, we men view marriage as a huge responsibility, a massive commitment that yes, involves being responsible to provide and protect for a girl and be there for her. If you show you're willing to do things for him, it helps make the idea more appealing. Such as, if he loooovves long hair, be willing to have long hair. Or if he loooooves when you wear red, be willing to wear a lot of red. If he loooves when you send him cute pics (even not nude pics) then send him cute pics. When a girl shows how much she cares through little things like that, it has a big impact. (I actually got a remarkably well handmade card this year for my birthday, that looks like something Harry Potter would have found in the Hogwarts gift shop. My heart melted and my opinion of that girl went up a LOT.)


So in review. Maximize your looks, but don't be slutty. Be sweet and loyal, so when he imagines spending the next decades with you, it's not a scary thought. Remember, no decent guy is going to be giving you the tingles 24/7, just as you won't be giving him a strip tease and pouring a drink every single evening. And lastly, be willing to oblige with little things to show how much you care.

Have a good one!

Girls: How to be Wifey Material
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