Ladies, He Just Wants To F*CK YOU!

My bf's good male friend and I were talking the other day. He is actually a handsome guy, with a good job, and overall seems like a down to earth guy. The weird question he gets asked every time is, "why are you with your obese gf?"

Ladies, He Just Wants To F*CK YOU!

His girlfriend is quite severely overweight with acne problems, but seems to be a sweet lady! Although I had anticipated that he would respond to the above question with "because she has a great personality and I love her", I didn't think I would hear the harsh reality right then and there.

"Hate to say it, but obese girls are easier... I mean they put out more, and I feel secure in the relationship, dated a bunch of hot girls who are full of themselves, too much to handle". His response was pretty direct, and I got more astonished as he continued. "I like her (gf), and I don't have to try as hard, she knows she is lucky to have me as people think we are opposites."

Ladies, He Just Wants To F*CK YOU!

"So then you wanna be with her for the long run or..?" I asked. He smiled and quickly replied, "Between us, she isn't the girl i'm gonna marry. It's just so easy right now, she puts out, is loyal, and clings to me. I literally barely put in no effort. I love it. I do what I want, when I want. Don't get me wrong she is great, but we both know that we are in different leagues".

The next week I saw them together as we went on a double date. She looked uneasy, as her man was staring at the hot, fit waitresses across the room. Makes me wonder whether there are many cases of these sort of relationships going on. I would rather be single than have someone be with me because I'm "easy" and my man doesn't have to put in effort.

Ladies, He Just Wants To F*CK YOU!
Ladies, He Just Wants To F*CK YOU!
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