Dating Has Gone Bad


Dating Has Gone Bad

Modern dating is about hiding your feelings and playing a game...

If you have been single in the modern society, you probably know the these common problems I am gonna list. I am tired of the dating game we all have started to play and I might be old fashioned, but I do not see the point with it.

Dating Has Gone Bad

Does this sound at all familiar to you?

Dating sites

The place where no one really knows what they are doing there. Most claim they are not looking for anything, others are searching for casual sex. Hmm...

But aren't these sites invented for single people who wanna find love? What are all the married people then doing there? Looking for just casual sex? Well, that's just normal in the nowadays culture!

Dating Has Gone Bad

-Texting game: What would be nicer than to get a long and romantic letter from the one you are interested in? Maybe the modern version? A short text saying either "Su

p?" or "Tinderella, wanna fuck?". Oh! Who could resist this?

Dating Has Gone Bad

And if you get a text from the person you are dating, you should act like it would be no big deal. (well... If the text is as lovely as I suggested, it would be very hard to act like you don't care, wouldn't it?)

Remember, never answer too fast! that might take the magic out of it! The person might think you are too clingy and wanna marry them right away if you reply right away with a "Hey :)".

You also need to overanalyze the texts you get and see if the winking smiley-face might mean he is just after sex? Or maybe the short answer means he wants you to stop talking? Or maybe the question about hanging out means she is crazy in love with you?

Oh dear.

Dating Has Gone Bad

The actual face to face dating

Here you should not show too much attention to the person you like, they might think you are crazy. But if you show too little interest, they think you are cold.

If you are having sex, you should take it as casual and not talk about a relationship before they clearly show you two are a couple.

If you don't hear from them for a while you aren't supposed to show how you feel. If you do, you are both clingy and crazy. And in this situation, you should act like you couldn't care less.

Dating Has Gone Bad

When meeting someone for the first time

You know exactly nothing about this person so you have to analyse them first to know how to get to know them. You can't just walk up to them because that would be weird! (Sigh...) But that's what Internet is invented for, stalking, isn't it?

Dating Has Gone Bad

What if they are crazy? you have to stalk and see. (because that's not at all crazy...)

Dating Has Gone Bad

Was it better before?

Let me tell you, I think dating was much easier before. To search for love in a world like this is like seaching for a needle in a haystack. Everyone is hiding their feelings and you are hiding yours too.

Dating Has Gone Bad

Click here to read an article about frustration towards modern dating culture.

Dating Has Gone Bad
26 Opinion