Do Women Just Care About a Guy's Bank Account?

Do Women Just Care About a Guy's Bank Account?

Let us cut to the chase here and answer the opening question: does a guy's bank account matter to a woman? (Pause for dramatic effect).....YES! But before you all say in unison, see I told you so, I would say well doesn't a woman's bank account matter to you too? For all the guys reading this, would you, regardless of your own financial standing, want to date a girl who had no job, no prospects, no money, and she lived at home and you weren't still both in High School? Why is there this crazy delusion that a lot of guys put up, that money shouldn't matter to a woman or a man for that matter? Let's talk about it.

Do Women Just Care About a Guy's Bank Account?

Gold diggers, trophy wives, thirsty chicks...they exist. They are very real. These are a set of women (emphasis on, a "set" of women) who with little tact, purposefully go after a guy with a huge bank account requiring no other filter but that he has money. But there isn't just one party involved in those gigs. If you are a fully grown intelligent adult man, let's put two and two together: girl comes out of nowhere, expects that you pay for everything, nay demands you pay for everything, and if you willingly do it no matter what...that's on you. It's like if you see your girlfriend cheating on you and you still continue to go out with her, what happens next, is on you. The sad bit about it is this blame game that often comes after those situations. Instead of blame the one girl, the bad relationship, it becomes, "all girls are that way. All girls just care about the wallet and nothing else." It clouds the vision of some of these men to the point of blindness.

Do Women Just Care About a Guy's Bank Account?

How do you not know someone is after only your money? How can you have dated someone for let's say, three months, and they've never once offered to pay for anything, and you still don't know this is a person who probably expects you to foot the bill for the rest of their lives? You don't want to see. You're attracted to something else there with that person who keeps your mind tied up with them to the point where you can't see point blank obvious or alternatively you don't see it as a problem until they want to break up and you then suddenly feel like you've been screwed over.

Wealth is great. Let's stop pretending like we all don't want it. Every single person on this planet would like in their lifetimes not to have to struggle to pay for groceries, or to be able to live somewhere without a disturbing roach, rat, or dead body problem, or to know that they can save up money for each of their kids to go to college. No one sets out with a life goal to have to struggle all the time.

Without knowing a man, does a man's higher paying job compared to others in that same box look on paper more attractive to women, yes, but why wouldn't it be? It's like saying, you shouldn't be attracted to someone who is attractive.

That yes knowledge that a man's potential wealth is attractive, however, is not a sign away your life to them just because they have money---yes, unless you are of the gold digger variety. It's a yes with a huge caveat that the guy actually be someone that is going to treat them well. Money isn't going to stop the punches and blows from some Christian Grey type. Money isn't going to make a good husband or father. Money isn't going to cuddle you at night. Money, quite literally, isn't everything.

Do Women Just Care About a Guy's Bank Account?

What this question ultimately boils down to is the following which is that for a guy, you don't have to be rich, but you have to be going somewhere. A man with minimal means who has no life goals, no plan of action, no school plans, nothing going on, will probably not be attractive to women. A man who sets his two feet on the ground and is willing and wanting to do better for himself even with a small bank account can be just as attractive as some surgeon somewhere. Every woman on the planet is not married to "some rich guy," which is why this whole all women only care about money thing is far from statistical truth. Let's also reality check here; I doubt there are whole lines of men who are actively seeking a woman who has no life plans, no goals, no dreams, and no money.

You want a partner whom you can walk toward a brighter future arm in arm with. Whether you are the man or woman in the relationship, few people want to have to pull someone along or support someone as if they were your child incapable of doing for themselves or paying their own way.

Do Women Just Care About a Guy's Bank Account?
43 Opinion