My #1 Tip on Asking a Girl Out Over Text

My #1 Tip on Asking a Girl Out Over Text

Everybody communicates now over text. Would I rather you pick up the phone and ask her out? Sure but I get it... sometimes it's just easier to shoot a text. So how does one ask a girl out with the best possible chance of her saying YES. First we need to look at a couple of things not to do.

My #1 Tip on Asking a Girl Out Over Text

1. Do not just give her one day and time to choose from.

This will get you a definite NO for sure. The monkey brain feels backed into a corner and it's only chance to escape is to say NO.

2. Do not just give her one day and time to choose from... PART II.

Some like to play the game of which day will she choose. They send a text seeing if she is available on Saturday night and when she isn't they run the table on every other day of the week hoping and praying desperately she will say yes to 1 of the 7 days. This shows to her that you seriously need to get a life. Don't do it.

My #1 Tip on Asking a Girl Out Over Text

3. Don't be wishy washy.

Don't send her a message leaving things up in the air and telling her she can choose any night and you will just show up. Again, get a life. This comes off as if you have nothing going on in your life and nobody wants to date a couch potato.

The best way to ask a girl out is as follows:

On a Monday send this...

Hey would you like to get coffee or drinks sometime this week? I am available on Thursday night or Saturday morning. Which one of these days works best for you?

The monkey brain likes this kind of candy. Thursday night could be for drinks or coffee and Saturday morning is really just coffee. You have now given her options on what kind of meeting she wants to have with you. It also shows you have a life and take time for yourself...not just work 24/7. This is very important. A woman doesn't want to date a workaholic.

My #1 Tip on Asking a Girl Out Over Text

The monkey brain works in mysterious ways. This is basically just a sales technique but if she wants to meet you than the brain will jump at the chance to pick one of the two choices. Hope this helps in your next quest of asking a girl out on a date. Let us know your tips below and what has worked for you. Peace.

My #1 Tip on Asking a Girl Out Over Text
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