Women: You Need To Be More Polarizing


They say that the supply will always meet the demand, but what if the supplier wants a certain type of clientele? Walmart makes more money than Cartier, but one is seen as much "higher" which likely pleases its owners. Enough ambiguous talk...what am I really trying to say?

Guys seem to put little thought when it comes to what it will be like to be in a long term relationship compared to how much value they put into the initial interaction. As such, a lot of guys want something like this:

Women: You Need To Be More Polarizing

Now, let's put aside the fact that girls that look like this don't necessarily have any of the qualities that make them ideal in a relationship. We guys are animals and changing to looking for personality traits over physical traits will take a very long time.

Let's instead focus on what this "demand" puts on the suppliers. And, before we continue, lets also realize that its not just guys that put this pressure on women to look as above image, but also society and women themselves who make this not only the gold standard but the ONLY standard that's really considered "perfect."

Because this is the only "ideal" woman then 95% try to look like this:

Women: You Need To Be More Polarizing

Now, I know what you're thinking. I'm saying the problem is that most women can achieve the above image. WRONG, many women can in fact achieve something similar to above image. They only need a good gym, a good salon, a good makeup store, and a basic understanding of popular fashion. Oh, and just ok genetics (not born into the obesity epidemic which is still a very small amount of people.) Oh, and a basic understanding of how to "excude" sexy with posture and vocal tonality maybe.

The problem is not that women can't look like kate upton, it's that they're ALL TRYING TO LOOK LIKE THE SAME PERSON. This again is not just for the benefit of guys. Women "look good" to fit in and win respect from their peers.

But the problem isn't even that there is no diversity. That would make sense right? Wrong! The problem is that...

There's no way of drawing the right kind of people to you when you're adopting someone else's image.

Women need to be more polarizing because it will attract different kinds of men...and they can tailor this to attract the type they want. They can also be actually different and self confident instead of just saying they are but then dressing like every magazine cover they see.

As men, when a woman is interested in us we can be pretty sure she sees us for us. But can women say the same thing? They excude kate upton and wonder why we want the fantasy of kate upton and not them.

Does this mean women will be more attractive to men in general? No, quite the opposite. Women will probably have comparatively fewer suitors, but the suitors they do have will be really interested in them for them. And isn't that a better future for everyone?

"Just met her, already feel like I know the real her"

Women: You Need To Be More Polarizing
Women: You Need To Be More Polarizing
Women: You Need To Be More Polarizing

Women: You Need To Be More Polarizing

Women: You Need To Be More Polarizing

Women: You Need To Be More Polarizing
Women: You Need To Be More Polarizing

Women: You Need To Be More Polarizing
24 Opinion