Why I Think Casual Sex (Hooking Up, One Night Stands, FWB's) is Wrong


I just want to start off by saying that I'm not trying to tell anyone how to live their life. I believe that each individual should have every right to do what they want with their body. I am also not here to judge people who do engage in casual sex. I am here to simply state why I personally do not engage in it. I'll start off by saying that in MY personal opinion, sex is the most intimate thing you can do with someone. And for that reason alone it's something that should be had among in exclusive relationships. When I am naked in front of someone, I am in my most vulnerable state. Therefore, I can only have sex with someone who I deeply trust. I'm a 19 year old male virgin and see a lot of college students argue with me saying "But sex is so awesome! Why don't you just hook up with someone?"

Why I Think Casual Sex (Hooking Up, One Night Stands, FWB's) is Wrong

Think about it this way. Think of your favourite food. Maybe it's pizza. Or perhaps it's spaghetti. Whatever it may be, imagine having it everyday for breakfast, lunch and dinner. It would get kinda boring after a while right? Well that's kind of how I view sex. If it's done with just anyone and all the time, it loses it's value. Sharing it with someone who I really care about increases the value of sex in mu opinion and makes it that much more special.

Secondly, I personally think that promiscuous behaviour of this type also causes people to judge others based on appearance. Think about it. Most people that engage in casual sex, mostly do it purely for the lust. Would you hook up with someone who you don't find attractive? Maybe you might. But from what I've seen with girls in college: "OMG! He's so cute, I wanna f*ck him!" I would argue girls have higher standards and only want to have sex with men who they find attractive. In my opinion, it teaches them to only find beauty in looks rather than inner beauty.

Why I Think Casual Sex (Hooking Up, One Night Stands, FWB's) is Wrong
Let me take this time to point out some statistics as well.

Promiscuous people have been linked again and again to...
-Mental instability and higher rates of mental illness
-Higher rates of STDs (It's a numbers game)
-Be more likely to be a single parent (numbers game)
-Have higher rates of abortion (numbers game)
-Have less stable relationships and higher divorce rates
-Have increased chances of having been in an abusive relationship
-Be more likely to cheat
-Be more likely to become addicted
-Be more likely to come out of a broken household.

I wasn't able to link the sources for these statistic because I don't have enough experience points to post links.

Let me know what you think in the comments. Thanks for reading!

Why I Think Casual Sex (Hooking Up, One Night Stands, FWB's) is Wrong
76 Opinion