The Difference Between A Nice Guy™ and An Actual Nice Guy

This is my first myTake. I wasn't really interested in myTake. I thought, "I don't really wanna waste my time with this" but oh boy have I been getting annoyed lately. So here we go...

Signs you are a Nice Guy™

1. You give us gifts and expect something in return.

The Difference Between A Nice Guy™ and An Actual Nice Guy

Thank you for the gifts -- really. But I think we need to go back here and think about what a gift actually is. It's something you give to someone without a price tag on it. Don't just go out of your way to get something and then give it to girls, expecting them to pay you back as if they owe you something when literally they never asked you to buy this gift for them. That was just you dude. Even if they did ask you, that still doesn't obligate them to date you. You have free will dude. You could choose not to buy the gifts. You decided to treat a girl like a prize and got what you deserved. Nothing.

2. You feel the need to brag that you are nice.

The Difference Between A Nice Guy™ and An Actual Nice Guy

Um... no. Look, there are a lot of nice people out there. My teachers are nice. My co-workers are nice. The lady that cleans my share-house is nice, but guess what, I ain't gonna f*ck em. It's great that you are nice, but real nice people don't need to brag about how nice they are. If you're a nice guy, just show us. Nothing smells like fakeness more than when we read -- for the 1000th time -- that you're "nice guy."

3. You live in this false fantasy world where the world is only composed of two type of men: The Bad Boys™ and You.

The Difference Between A Nice Guy™ and An Actual Nice Guy

I don't wanna burst your bubble... but we ain't in a crappy romance novel where characters are as flat as a piece of paper, okay? Anyone is capable of being an "abusive liar" let's get that out of the way, but apparently if there is a guy who is even more remotely more sociable, healthier, and/or any bit more remotely attractive than you, that makes them a "bad boy." This is really just borderline profiling based on all those teenage movies you've probably been watching. (By the way, most of those movies are crap with a rotten score of 80% okay? You really wanna live like this?)

4. You don't know how to handle rejection.

The Difference Between A Nice Guy™ and An Actual Nice Guy

Let me just say that there are definitely some girls who play the flirting game and then move on (guys do this too). However... did you bother to ask this girl if she was into you? While you were out "all nite" did you ever make it clear beforehand that it was a date? I don't think so. So when you finally made a move or made your feelings obvious, she clarified everything about how she was feeling and you couldn't take it so now you do a complete 180. For "nice guys" you do get rather angry real fast and that is definitely not an attractive trait.

Traits you are an ACTUAL Nice Guy

1. You compliment women and give them presents because... you're just nice.

The Difference Between A Nice Guy™ and An Actual Nice Guy

It was hard to find a stock image that wasn't uncomfortable but whatever. Here you go.

Moving on -- it might be hard to believe but guys can still compliment a girl or give us gifts without... you know... demanding sex. This shows that you're not only generous but also pretty selfless and we don't have to worry about possibly filing a restraining order or calling the cops because we didn't give you anything in return.

2. You show us.

The Difference Between A Nice Guy™ and An Actual Nice Guy

Actual nice guys don't waste their time being like, "Oh, I'm a nice guy! Alee-ah-lee-ah-lee! Pay attention to me! Alee-ah-lee-ah-lee!" Actually, nice people in general don't need to brag at all in order to show us that they are nice. Being nice is something natural that actual nice people are capable of doing. And guess what? You don't take it out on people when something goes wrong. Natural niceness is a lot more attractive than "I'm only being nice in the hopes of getting laid" niceness.

3. You're more confident about yourself.

The Difference Between A Nice Guy™ and An Actual Nice Guy

You make a proactive choice to better yourself, and you don't need to blame the world for your problems. You don't judge other men because you're better looking then you. Nor do you feel super threatened. You know who you are and what you want and don't need a woman's validation to feel worthy. Which leads to my next point...

4. You can take rejection.

The Difference Between A Nice Guy™ and An Actual Nice Guy

Sure -- it might sting. You've been really into this girl lately, and you finally got the courage to ask her out just to be shot down, but guess what? You'll move on. Why? Because not only are you confident in yourself to find someone else who will give you the time of day, you also know that women are not property that are obligated to love you back just because you was nice to them.

So at the end of the day, the "nice guys finish last" is BS. We love nice guys, but only if they actually are nice and not harassing us in our private inboxes because we didn't say "I feel the same" back.

Like this a**hole:

The Difference Between A Nice Guy™ and An Actual Nice Guy
The Difference Between A Nice Guy™ and An Actual Nice Guy
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