Part 2. The Friendzone: Why you are in it and what you should do about it!


I recently wrote a myTake on friendzone, but realized that I left some information out. If you want to read part one please go here.

This is written with the same purpose as the original. I will discuss why girls friendzone and what you should do. Numbering will continue from the first article.

5. Intimidation factor: “He is too good for me.”

Part 2. The Friendzone: Why you are in it and what you should do about it!

Yes this happens. Sometimes a girl feels that the guy is too good for her. For example, I’ve met girls (receptionist) who felt that a guy (investment banker) was too accomplished compared to her. She felt as if she couldn’t keep up with him.

Note: This often happens when there is a large discrepancy between the girl and guy’s income, education and family background.

What you should do: I’d probably stay away. You could try to make her comfortable by doung things (dressing down etc) but the girl probably has a low self-esteem. The relationship will be tiring for you.

6. You didn’t move fast enough

Part 2. The Friendzone: Why you are in it and what you should do about it!

You only really have about six months to make a move before a girl “friendzone” you. If you wait more than that, your chance of being friendzoned is high.

What you need to do: I would distance myself from her for some time (6 months to a year) to “reset” the relationship and then approach her again. It’s wise to shape up and take care of yourself during this time.

7. A word of advice:

Try to not see the girl that often. Once a girl starts seeing a guy friend everyday, she will see him like a brother. You do not want to be in the “brotherzone”. It's like friendzone on steroids.

Part 2. The Friendzone: Why you are in it and what you should do about it!
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