Are my friends jealous? [relationship, money]


On my friends

I've mentioned this before and I'll say it again - I don't exactly have the greatest of friends (4 girls).

I won't go into details, but just know that we only really talk when I initiate a conversation. Also, we don't see each other right now because we're all away at college. I like them and I value their opinion. Most times, their advice has been extremely helpful for me.

I've been with my boyfriend for 4 months now and they've met him via video call. They like him, say he's nice and handsome, but recently, one friend of mine mentioned that she didn't feel like he's been telling me the truth when it comes to his job.

The thing with his job

I never really mentioned anything about how my boyfriend makes money to my friends. There are several reasons for this, but I think the biggest for me is that I don't want them to think that he's trying to prove something to them/me.

I'm also embarrassed by the fact that I can't really tell them what it is that he does. All I can say is that he's self-employed.

He has multiple streams of income. When I told my friends about one of them recently, I tried bringing it across in a serious, respectful manner. Nonetheless, one of my friends said that she didn't believe this was a good way of making money.

[Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash]
[Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash]

We're from very traditional, well-off, privileged backgrounds and for some reason, I've always been more aware of what that entails than them. Also, I want to mention that neither of my 4 friends have ever had a job where they made money.

My boyfriend's parents are immigrants, he's much more creative and takes more risks than us I'd say. When he first told me about one of his jobs, I thought he was joking because it sounded like a hobby. Still, it pays the bills and I think that's the most important thing, right?

Their accusations

My friends suggested that my boyfriend makes money illegally, doesn't pay taxes and that he will get into trouble sooner or later. I took offense at that, mainly because it made me question how he actually made money.

I think their comments were very rude. I showed my boyfriend the texts I had exchanged with them and he said that they're probably jealous.

We then had a very long conversation about their accusations. I know that he wouldn't involve me in shady business, I always knew he paid his taxes religiously and we regularly talk about issues we have anyways, so this wasn't a big thing for me.

[Photo by Pro Church Media on Unsplash]
[Photo by Pro Church Media on Unsplash]

The friend who said the rude stuff about my boyfriend's job is the only one who currently has a boyfriend. However, he's still a student, so he probably can't afford to take her out more than twice a month. I don't even know, maybe her boyfriend's rich like her, so I don't get it.

Additional information

I think this all sounds confusing, so I'll tell you what my friends know.

Sometimes, my boyfriend goes to an ATM and gets some cash. He likes holding it and making money rain. This sounds really strange and it's behaviour I'm not at all used to.

He likes to say weird stuff about money and I don't understand what he's trying to tell me most of the time due to my autism.

I ignore a lot of this because I know we have this part handled as well as we can for now, I mean, we've only been together for 4 months.

I treat my boyfriend the same way he treats me. I don't have to prove myself either on here or with my friends, but I noticed that on my last post a number of men suggested I didn't treat my boyfriend well and this is simply not true.

[Photo by Joey Nicotra on Unsplash]
[Photo by Joey Nicotra on Unsplash]

Do you think my friends are jealous or is there another reason for them to insult my boyfriend like that?

What would make her think my boyfriend would engage in criminal activity?

What do you suggest I tell my friends about their accusations?

Are my friends jealous? [relationship, money]
23 Opinion