Confessions of a Ladies Man: The One Question that Completely Changes a First Date

Confessions of a Ladies Man: The One Question that Completely Changes a First Date

This question works. It breaks the ice. It is the difference between being in the friend zone with your date or changing your life forever. Gone are the mornings after a date when you regret failing to make a move or display confidence or live in the moment.

What is this question you ask? I will tell you:

"Are you a good kisser?"

Ask this question at some point during the date. I don't care if you are a male or female. Ask it if you really like that person!

In my personal experience 100% of the time I asked that question on a first date....100% of the time I have been kissed or they consented to kissing me. I would also add that 100% of the time this question has led to me having consensual sex on the first date....but I know its not just about sex.

This question is about building connection with another person in a playful yet confident way. To say what is secretly on both of your minds and to say it out loud turns sexual arousal and attraction into overdrive.Just

To ask about kissing is better than sex just because the other person may get offended. Even though you are both sizing up that possibility too. A kiss is just innocent enough.

Just had sex with this beautiful blonde last night. She has a professional working career as an engineer. She told me "If you hadn't have asked me that at the bar I dont think Id be here."

Ask this question on a date. Ask after the first drink or so. I have also asked this question online before a date. But that was after the date was already set.

Don't ask this question to get laid. I know it's not about that. I am not saying this stuff to brag or anything. I just wanted to give you ladies and you guys a helpful pointer so that you can connect on a romantic level.

People ask me why I write so many articles or why I give advice. I do this because I have been there. I used to be the nerd in the friendzone. I know the pain. It hurts. I want to warn guys about pitfalls and help guys not have to suffer as I did!

Confessions of a Ladies Man: The One Question that Completely Changes a First Date
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