Ladies... dating is for 'outing the shitheads' and putting them to the test. If the guy fails before he even starts... dump him.

Some of you girls sound like a guy that 'thinks with his dick' that will do anything for sex. Are you that desperate ladies?

You talk about setting up dates online and the guy never shows for date #1. He never calls to apologize. Then you pine away and take G@G polls whether to call / text him.

No it is not OK to go after him...unless you are gluttons for punishment.

Don't be sorry. It is good he has shown his true nature before you have invested much time and love in him. If he stands you up for a date and never calls to apologize profusely...he is a shithead plain and simple. Use these tests to 'out the shitheads' by putting the guys through their paces.

Don't give out sex for weeks into dating. Then only give hand jobs if he seems promising. Keep him blueballed until he proves worthy and reliable of your may take months.

Further reading...



Also read this... the-angry-underground-world- of-failed-pickup-artists

Ladies... dating is for 'outing the shitheads' and putting them to the test. If the guy fails before he even starts... dump him.
Post Opinion