Am I right or wrong for refusing to buy drinks for women I don't even know at bars?

Yeah maybe it's because I am cheap, but I don't want to invest any money (which is getting more and more difficult to obtain) on women, in fact, people in general, that I am unsure if they like or don't like me. I think it's just like gambling. Also, buying women drinks boost up their egos even more, but money plays a bigger factor. I only want to invest money on someone who I know will like/love me. Besides I don't want to invest on someone who hasn't even earned it.

However, some argues that if a guy doesn't go to bars and buy drinks for women, then he is not trying hard enough. Or that he is just being a cheap person, which can hinder a relationship. Or simply, he is "no fun." Well what do you all think?
Am I right or wrong for refusing to buy drinks for women I don't even know at bars?
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