Am I just being a jealous prick?


Basically the situation is this. My girlfriend met this one guy like a year back, at school, she did a group project with him. She talked about how much they have in common. But honestly the things he did and said sounded like he wanted more than being friends, you know?
So that happened. A years passed and I never heard of him again. Until now.
My girlfriend is gonna go to a dorm room at her university and wants to live with 2 more friends so it's cheaper divided by the 3. And she says that she wants that guy, that she talked about a year ago, to go love with her and another friend. Plus that she's been in contact with him for all this time, while I know all her other friends, she never mentioned him. So, I feel like a real jealous prick for not feeling good about them loving together :/. What do you think?
Jealous prick
Or nah, it's normal to feel this way
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Am I just being a jealous prick?
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