How do I go from a girl wanting to date me to a girl actually wanting to stick around?

So I have a pretty long history of girls that seem desperate for my attention yet fairly difficult to actually date. Like they'll flirt aggressively, repeatedly position themselves near me, try to impress me with "wifely" skills, get jealous/defensive when other girls are involved, etc. but when I actually try to date them as opposed to just being around them everything changes. Usually If I start putting forth more effort to be present in a non platonic way at first things are good but then eventually I find myself waiting alone at a restaurant, suggesting stuff to do that gets subverted or ignored, and eventually dumped and replaced by a new guy. Many times these same girls after some time show back up and repeat the whole process. I've never been able to move from the she's attracted to me into the that's my girlfriend phase. It's really confusing to me because I've known girls who spent literally years trying to get me to date them then I do and boom it goes nowhere. I don't get how. My personality stays pretty much the same. So why am I extremely desirable prior to dating but entirely dismissible after?
How do I go from a girl wanting to date me to a girl actually wanting to stick around?
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