Where have all the real men gone?

I have long been fed up with the throngs of gold digging, controlling, whores out there. Not all women are this way but most are and finding a good one is like finding a needle in a haystack. Why is this? It’s because we have no more real men. We do have lots of men who attempt to mimic what they think a man probably should be, but it’s not genuine. We have throngs of all these “nice” guys running around angry at women. These nice guys aren’t really nice. They’re weak. They don’t see it, but the women do. They just want the approval of whomever their dating and to get laid so bad they will tolerate anything. That’s why we have all these bitchy, self centered women. If men start asserting themselves and stop being wimps women will have no choice but to be single or lesbians. I don’t mean men should act like “a holes” I mean they need to have self respect. Decades of feminism has trained and indoctrinated men to be soft and sensitive with weak boundaries and no self esteem. They have been told women want sensitive “nice” guys. No they don’t. They want men who are leaders, who can say no, who don’t tolerate disrespect, who express strength through self control and self reliance. Who will not tolerate bad behavior just because they’re lonely, or want to get laid. They want men who control their own emotions. Where is “strong silent type”? Dead and gone and replaced with men trained to share their feelings and making their girlfriend into their therapist and secretly want to be mothered. I think there are good women out there but so many bad ones because weak men have trained and given them license to act like they do. I’m also not talking about the opinion women who have 3 kids by 3 different dads and want to tell men to man up and what a real man is like. So ladies who are like that save it. I’m not talking about the opinion of men who wear a mask and try to imitate a man but are really insecure wimps. You guys can save it too. I’m not talking about going MGTOW either.
Where have all the real men gone?
7 Opinion