Is no seatbelt a deal breaker?

I know it sounds odd, but today I was thinking about this subject. I was spending time with a woman recently and when I was driving she never put on her seatbelt. I'm not sure if I could be in a long term relationship with someone who never wears a seatbelt. I know of too many tragedies that could have been prevented if the person wore a seatbelt. If I give my heart to someone, I'd hope that she would make this small effort to stay alive.
Not wearing a seatbelt is a deal-breaker
Eh, it's his/her choice and I accept it
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Just a quick update. I'm asking this question in terms of how safe you expect your significant other to be. While motor vehicle laws and personal injury liability are important concerns in general, they are not the main focus of my question. This hypothetical person who is very special to you may put on a seatbelt when you ask them to do so, but you know that they probably don't wear it when you are not around. Is that something you can live with?
Is no seatbelt a deal breaker?
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