Girls, Did your parents ever give you any advice before your first date with a guy?

I mean the first date is the big one, right? But what kind of tips, warnings and advice did you receive, if any? Was it important to your parents that you dressed a certain way, like maybe more conservatively?

How about tips your mother may have given you on what amount of make-up you should use and how your hair should be done, etc? Did your mother even help you get ready?

Were you told not to let the boy kiss you on the first date, so not to make-out with him at all? Maybe she said kissing will cause your make-up to smear and look ugly?

Was your dad active in rendering advice, telling you that he knows what boys were all about at their age and what you might expect to happen and challenges you might be facing?

Was yours, the type of mother, or father, that gave you all the intelligent reasoning as to why you should not get pregnant at too young of an age and maybe not to even let the boy put his hands on you, or were they more nonchalant about giving you any advice at all in that regard, maybe not worried about it, thinking you were old enough to take care of yourself by the time you had your first date?

Please tell us what your experiences were and if you were all alone with no one to gain advice, comfort and confidence from, or were your parents, and maybe even older siblings, there to make that nervous first time more pleasurable for you.

Share with us... PLEASE?
Girls, Did your parents ever give you any advice before your first date with a guy?
A. YES! One, or both, of my parents were a big part of helping me prepare for my first formal date with a guy!
B. My parents didn't really get involved but one, or more, sisters helped clue me in on what to expect and give me tips on how to get ready
C. I totally had to rely on one, or more, girlfriend to help me know what to expect and give me some aid and/or advice
D. No one was really there to help me prepare for my first date.
E. OTHER, see my comments below, or just open the "First Date" survey
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Girls, Did your parents ever give you any advice before your first date with a guy?
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