Why won't some men just walk up to a woman like a real man and ask her out?

Response to a question similar to this one

The long-term effect of the sexual revolution and misandrist feminism has been a fundamental and I posit largely negative shift in the areas of dating, sexual relationships, and marriage.

The average man fears walking up to a woman he finds attractive and attempting to chat her up. why? Society is likely to view him as a creep even though he's doing something that’s completely natural. If you are single man and you find a woman attractive, you want to get to know her, the only way to accomplish that is to go up and talk to her. However, doing that isn't so simple in today’s era. Unless you are Chris Evans , there is a high chance that you will be publicly ridiculed & shamed.

I get it, us men can be quite scary. It can be very intimidating for a woman to reject a man who could hurt you if he doesn't like the response. A woman’s fight or flight response kicks in if a big guy walks up to her looking like he wants to eat her. Sure, these are completely valid concerns.

However, this is how men and women have been getting together for centuries. I think you're hot and I want to come talk to you. If that’s not allowed anymore and I don't have any formal venues like college to meet women, what is a fella to do?

No man wants to be labeled a creep and many women view this kind of behavior as not allowed. Thus the world of hookup culture, friends with benefits, incels, and hostile blue haired cat ladies who are pissed at all men because they never get any.

hypergamy has increased in recent years and women call most guys creeps for approaching them. If a woman thinks that the guy is ugly or unattractive in some way, all she has to do is yell “Get away creep!” and the man has to deal with horrific public embarrassment. Most guys don't want to be publicly ridiculed or have their reputation destroyed, so they avoid walking up to women and asking them on a date.
Why wont some men just walk up to a woman like a real man and ask her out?
Why wont some men just walk up to a woman like a real man and ask her out?
+1 y
I don't know if some of ya;ll or stupid or what lol


I kind of just gave a take, an example as to why now a days many men don't do this approaching shit anymore
Why won't some men just walk up to a woman like a real man and ask her out?
87 Opinion