How bad is it for your dating prospects to have no friends?

I’m 27 and like the title implies, I unfortunately have no friends. Its not like I’ve never had any friends, I used to a majority of it was caused by bad circumstances. Its also caused by me not making any new friends while I continued to lose my current ones. I feel like this has a pretty negative impact on your dating prospects (especially if you’re a guy) because it seems like having no friends is a red flag to a lot of potential romantic partners. And to girls, status matters (maybe not as much as back in high school, but it still matters) and having no friends means your social status is as low as it can be.

I think a lot of girls wouldn’t want to date a guy with no friends because she’ll be worried that he’s gonna become too clingy since she would be his entire social life and that it just wouldn’t work if she has an active social life and he doesn’t have one at all.
Its not bad, people will understand
Its bad, focus on making new friends before trying to date
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How bad is it for your dating prospects to have no friends?
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