Guys, Ex fling has a girlfriend now but still flirts with me and even kissed me?

So 1 year ago he wanted me to be his girlfriend but after finding out that he do some illegal stuff i didn’t want to get in trouble, we use to work together so we hung out 24/7 for like 9 months, we also went on 4 dates and kissed, but i never slept with him.
I told him straight upp that i can’t be with him when he does this shit. And some weeks later he started dating an old friend of his, he would start to brag all the time and try to make me jealous and then out of nowhere they moved in together. Fast forward a year later to this day he still flirts with me it’s been on and off but somehow he always comes back into my life.
we actually met a week ago he asked me if i wanted to come to his work and eat, (hamburger place) so i did and we talked old memories but then he kissed me...
did his feelings for me never die? Or what is going on?
Guys, Ex fling has a girlfriend now but still flirts with me and even kissed me?
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