How should I respond to a man who is slipping away but trying to see if I change in certain areas?

My s o has set deal breakers w me n I cannot seem to be successful in changing them n now he has zero tolerance for my mistakes he seems to be in my life outvof pity so that he won't hurt my feelings n I told him one day to seriously tell me to moveon so that I would listen and move on but instead he texts that he is driving. And he never told me to move on. But when he is around me I feel rejection mixed with mixed signals... itswhen I make a comment or ask a a probing question or tell our mutual friends my complaints about him that he snaps and shows me disdain. What should I do so that I can keep him and not loose him?
How should I respond to a man who is slipping away but trying to see if I change in certain areas?
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