Friend on PlayStation has fallen for me, how can I word it nicely I’m not interested?

I met this guy through another friend on PlayStation. He would only be on Saturday nights so we didn’t spend that much time together playing games plus we live in different countries so the time interferes. He would message me wanting to chat and I found out he’s disabled like wheelchair bound disabled. I felt sorry for him so I’ve always been nice and friendly but never at all flirty. I told him ages ago I live with my boyfriend so he knows I’m not single. I have him on Facebook but we don’t talk rarely unless it’s asking if I’ll be on PlayStation any other additional nights (I always say I’m not and appear offline)
Last weekend he started pushing for voice chat and I kept avoiding it.
finally gave in last night which to me was a huge mistake coz after only being on voice chat with him for maybe 30 mins after I made an excuse and left the voice chat. He’s now calling me his “online girlfriend” and shit.
How the hell do I nicely tell him that’s inappropriate? I never replied to him after that.
I’m 3 years older then him. I’m 29 and he’s 26 but I’m guessing due to his disability he’s never had a girlfriend and doesn’t have much luck.
Block him on everything
Tell him it’s inappropriate
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Friend on PlayStation has fallen for me, how can I word it nicely I’m not interested?
Post Opinion