Is it cheating to remain active on dating apps, after you'd been dating someone for weeks?

You meet a person on line, you go on several dates, text often, had sex several times, over the course of weeks. You discuss wanting a committed relationship, and mention your concern about their online activity. They react negatively, block you from their profile, but still want to date and see you. Is it cheating or as good as cheating?
Yes its cheating. You can assume they are or would be willing to see other people.
No its not cheating. Just because they are active on the app doesn't mean they're doing anything wrong.
Cheating or not cheating, they should be willing to deactiving their account while dating someone.
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+1 y
Let be clear, I dud make it clear I wanted a committed and/or exclusive relationship. And it was communicated.
+1 y
I did break it off with this chick, because she was a flake. She would not confirm or deny wanting an exclusive relationship with me. She blocked me from all her dating profiles after I expressed my concern over her level of activity online, with out truly address my concerns. Instead of talking about it in productive way she called me a jack ass and two days later texts again.

YES I think its a form of cheating to remain active on platforms without addressing your partners concerns.
Is it cheating to remain active on dating apps, after you'd been dating someone for weeks?
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