I think this guy likes me but I also feel like he's out of my league so I dont know if he actually does?


So i [18F] met him [24M] through a mutual friend. he's this half British half saudi guy and im saudi (1/4th uhgyur if thats worth mentioning)

First time i saw him was in a mall and first thought was “oh he looks like he's egotistical” because of how attractive he was.

More and more i meet him i realized he was being really nice to me. There was a gathering at his place. He was quiet around me at first but come next morning he started talking to me a bit, made me coffee, asked for my snapchat and let me have a few sips of his drink.

Second few times, he started complimenting me, said i was cute, invited me to his house with a smaller group, i got absolutely shitfaced and he helped all the way, picked me up, washed my face. He saw my makeup melting and assured me i was still cute lol.

Last weekend we were in the group but only me n him kept talking, he paid for my meal, kept opening the doors for me, next day invited me to hang out with a few friends a bit and asked if i could spend the night at his place and watch a movie, we talked, cuddled a bit towards the end because he claimed it was too cold lmao. He asked me questions about relationships. And said he wants me to meet his group this weekend. I don't know if he's just being nice or something could acc blossom out of this, my only doubts is that he seems so attractive like out of my league type of handsome so i dont know if he's just being nice or he actually likes me
I think this guy likes me but I also feel like he's out of my league so I dont know if he actually does?
4 Opinion