He kissed me but he still wants to be friends?

I met this guy for awhile now and well we've been getting along really good. A few days ago we hanged out and went to the theaters. When we were there he pulled me aside before entering the movie and hugged me tightly and he kissed me on the cheek, afterwards he went to hold my hand. When the movie was about to start, he kissed my hands afterwards, and then looked at me. And then he kissed my forehead. Many times. Then, he cuddled me. Eventually, he went to kiss me on the lips but nothing like a make out session.
When the movie was over, we were holding hands.
Then afterwards we went to grab something to eat and he paid for the entire meal. He made sure what I wanted to eat was what I wanted and made sure if I was okay.
After we were done eating, we didn't had have much time to hang out. I went with him to his car and we started talking and he pulled me closer to him. Again, another forehead kiss.
Confused, I asked him what are we doing since this was intimate for me and that if felt like what couples would do except he didn't ask me to be his girlfriend. He told me that he wants to be friends. He said he likes me and that he wants to grow the friendship first before becoming a couple. He said that he liked how I thought of things and that he wants to connect with me even more at a slow pace to grow into something stronger when the time comes to have a long lasting relationship.
We both had relationships before. He was with this girl for four years but they broke up a year ago. I was also in a relationship with a guy for 5 years and we also broke up a year ago as well. I wonder if he's saying this just for the sake that we were both in serious relationships and I dont think he wants to get hurt again.
So for now, we agreed to be friends and continue to grow the bond. I like him a lot and hearing him say to me that he wants to be in my life it just made me feel happy. Does this sound like something a friend/best friend/future partner would say? Opinions please?
He kissed me but he still wants to be friends?
2 Opinion