Can I trust women?

This is something I've been struggling with all my life, and I just need to talk about this.

I'm a 23 virgin who've never dated before and thinking about getting out there soon, but I want to date another virgin.

I've been told that I shouldn't worry about it and even shamed for my standard, but I can't. After what I've been through I've always had trouble trusting women and getting comfortable with sex, and I need someone who's on my level.

I've been sexually violated by two family members, bullied at school by everyone, and was done dirty and humiliated by my freshman homecoming date, which drove me into a depression that led to be quitting school and not leaving my mom's house for five years. And that's just the surface.

Many "male model" in my life told me that all women are lying, selfish, cheating whores. I've believed then for so long, and I'm tired of it. The world can't be completely dark.

Every day I wish that I had a normal childhood and experienced dating and sex like everyone else did so I didn't struggle with it now, but I was robbed of that.

I've decided that dating another virgin is what's right for me, and I'm not going to short myself. I'm getting too old to not be dating, and I know I'm going to have to have some very awkward and uncomfortable conversations, but I've accepted that I have to for my own future happiness.

But my biggest fear is being lied to. What if everything I've been told about women are true, and I give myself away to someone I don't want to be with? I wouldn't forgive it no matter how close we become. I'd feel violated and be sent down another depression. How do I trust women?
Can I trust women?
7 Opinion