Is being shy not a cute trait to have or always being upfront and asking out anyone you think is cute the way to go?

I've always been quiet and shy but recently I think this is not a good thing. I get proposals from girls online but not the kinda girls I vibe with or really into. The ones I am into don't really pay attention and my circle of friends has gotten smaller after covid so I don't hang out with as many girls as my friends anymore. I studied abroad for a while as well and was with people that I definitely couldn't see as being part of my future cos they weren't as genuine as they seemed. I'm trying to change this so I decided to quit going there and go somewhere I think I could thrive socially. Also I hoped to find the love of my life while young as I'd want to know her for a long time before committing to her but that didn't seem to play out as I wanted. I always had the idea of a high school or college sweetheart story but neither played out as I hoped. What can I do to change it to fit my story?
Is being shy not a cute trait to have or always being upfront and asking out anyone you think is cute the way to go?
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