As a christian, conservative, single white male, what is your advice for me? How can I improve and do better? Do I have any realistic chance dating?

I want to start by describing myself and my current situation so you get a more accurate picture.

1) I’m a short guy 5’ 9” with an average sized penis if that matters for later at all.

2) I’m fairly decent looking and I dress nicely but still closer to average overall.

3) Women don’t ever really approach me for whatever reason. I don’t seem to catch their interest that often.

4) I mainly just keep to myself and don’t bother pursuing anyone I’m interested in. I’m not desperate but I did hear a girl once say I need to start “chasing” more because they want to feel desired.

5) I don’t have that many friends, only one that I’m really close to.

6) I suck at small talk and I can’t really start up random conversations with people on the fly, but I’m not necessarily nervous or afraid to talk to anyone when I feel as though it makes sense to.

7) I’ve gone on a couple dates with women before, but never managed to get a second date with one. They weren’t visibly annoyed or disgusted with me but I could tell they were bored around me.

8) I’m mostly introverted and I prefer to spend most of my time alone just “chilling out” and catching a break from all the action. Social settings exhaust me instead of invigorating me.

9) Most of the women in my area don’t take dating that seriously and prefer to just casually flirt around.

10) I can’t handle drama from women to save my life. My brain just goes into sensory overload and shuts down like a computer that’s being overworked.

11) I don’t really have that many hobbies because the truth is, there just isn’t really a whole lot that interests me.

12) I want marriage and children in the future, but most women seem to just want independence.

13) I get that the first few women I date probably won’t be my eventual life partner, but that is my eventual goal.

14) I’m not comfortable with the idea of hooking up, because I only desire to have something more serious.
As a christian, conservative, single white male, what is your advice for me? How can I improve and do better? Do I have any realistic chance dating?
3 Opinion