Is "waiting for someone special" worth It? 25 yo and I've never even kissed?

I am the type of person who has always been romantic.
I am not ugly and a lot of guys actually have asked me out but I did not like them that way.

Should I just go to parties, find some handsome men and make out like most of people are doing in their twenties?
I don't know If I believe anymore in "finding your special person". And even If I do find them, they will have "baggage" aka as more relationship experience, so what's the point in waiting for someone special when you are already 25?
The few times I've liked people romantically they did not like me back, fomo has been increasing lately.

What are your experiences and your advice regarding this?
Is "waiting for someone special" worth It? 25 yo and I've never even kissed?
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