Should my friends with benefits be my boyfriend?

I'm hoping someone can help answer this question sooner than later. I've had a friends with benefits for 2.5 months. I'm slowly starting to realize I want a boyfriend and not a friends with benefits. I started dating and told him and he got very upset. He told me he had feelings for me and then took time off from our arrangement to process things and ignores me. That was 4 days ago. I got my tongue pierced yesterday and sent him a message so he knew because I can't do anything with my mouth and it needs to heal for a couple of weeks. He ends up responding immediately, hearts my text message and insists we talk through things tomorrow. I'm starting to think he is with me for the wrong reasons. If I hadn't gotten my tongue pierced and sent a message, I prob wouldn't of heard from him. I've been getting a few tattoos lately because I want them, but he absolutely loves it. If I didn't have tattoos, I don't think he'd like being with me. He's always been a friends with benefits so we don't talk about things... he comes over, we have sex, and he leaves. He has no idea who I really am as a person... maybe just a little bit. I do like him and not sure if I should look for someone different as a boyfriend or get to know him better and make him my boyfriend if it works out.

Should my friends with benefits be my boyfriend?
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